Saturday, December 23, 2023


We experienced our own version of a fire drill during dinner last night.  In between our appetizer and main course, an announcement came over the intercom that a pod of orcas was off the port side of the ship.  Immediately, everyone stopped eating, jumped up out of their seats, and ran to the windows and outside on the deck.  We were no exception.

Orcas (also referred to as killer whales) frequently swim in the waters around Antarctica but are much less common to spot than the more readily seen humpbacks. Unfortunately, I did not have my big camera with the large zoom lens to capture photos, but I did have my phone and was able to take video.  This picture is a screen shot from that video.

Apparently, the staff on the ship are used to this type of "drill" happening as they paused the dinner service and were smiling and laughing with us as we ran in different directions.  I guess this is what happens when an alarm goes off in a fire station, and all of the firefighters jump up and run to their trucks.  It was so incredible to be able to see the orcas, but we couldn't help laughing at the absurdity of everyone jumping up and running outside at the same time.  Happy to be absurd at that moment......and I will now always have my big camera with me.

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