Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Land of Tunnels

One of the unexpected things we've discovered about Norway is the number of tunnels, especially in the fjord region.  We've driven through so many that we've lost count.  Instead of driving up and over mountains, we are driving through them.  The tunnel at Laerdal was over 15 miles long and is the longest road tunnel in the world.  They actually have bright, multi-colored lights in different sections of the tunnel to break up the monotony and make sure folks are staying awake.  For those of you that have driven the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, that is 17.6 miles long, meaning the Laerdal tunnel is very comparable.

There are approximately 1000 road tunnels in Norway currently with more under construction.  The Norwegians have gotten so sophisticated with their tunnels, some even have roundabouts in them.

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