Wednesday, April 16, 2014

It's Snowing in Oberammergau

Painted Stenciling
We woke up on Tuesday morning in Füssen to a light dusting of snow.  Although we’re not high in the Alps, we’re still at a high enough altitude for snow.  Fortunately it was only sticking a little to the windshield and grass -- the roads were fine.

Our ultimate destination today is the best-preserved medieval town -- Rothenburg ob de Tauber. But first, a side detour to the small town of Oberammergau.  

Oberammergau is most famous for the Passion Play that the town stages every 10 years.  In 1633, there was devastating plague sweeping through Germany, and everyone prayed that if the town was spared, they would stage the Passion Play every 10 years.  The town survived and they have kept true to their word, staging about 100 six-hour performances every 10 years.  The next is in 2020.

Detailed Stenciling
Oberammergau is also famous for the painted stenciling on their buildings.  Instead of having actual shutters, window treatments, and the like, these are frequently painted on the sides of the buildings.  In addition, lots of buildings have very detailed painted stenciling depicting various scenes -- often Biblical in nature.  Oberammergau is one of the areas of Germany best known for wood carving.  Mona and I found one shop and talked with the craftsman and his wife about the carvings.  Pop found a different one and did the same thing.  Many of the carvings were of a religious nature, probably owing to the decennial Passion Play.

Fresh snow on the flowers
It snowed and sleeted the entire way there as the temperatures dropped to below freezing because we were at a higher elevation.  Fortunately the roads were fine and by the time we left, the sun was starting to pop out.

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