Sunday, July 16, 2023

Scenes from North Iceland

We've spent two fantastic days in North Iceland while staying in Akureyri.  Even though it's been cold and rainy, it hasn't stopped us from doing and seeing all the things we've wanted to.  We even had some unexpected surprises.  Without further ado:

Dettifoss is the largest waterfall in Europe based upon volume of water.  We visited the east side which is more remote but with better views.  We traveled a very rutted and pot-holey gravel road to reach it, but it was well worth the effort to see, feel, and hear the roar of rushing water.

Icelandic Horses
The first unexpected surprise was coming across a herd of horses being wrangled from one area to another.  They traveled a good portion of the same gravel road we traveled to Dettifoss, including having to cross over a one-lane bridge.  It was a sight to behold and we saw a number of beautiful horses.  Because we were driving right beside them, it felt as though we were participating even though we were in our car.

Husavik is the whale-watching capital of Iceland although we did not take the time to do this.  It's a cute town that was the setting and filming location for the Netflix movie Eurovision starring Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams.  It's a very funny movie that we enjoyed and would recommend.  This is the wooden church built in 1907 that is featured in the movie.

Myvatn Nature Baths
Myvatn is one of Iceland's most accessible geo-thermal areas.  We saw lots of steam venting from the earth, a more brown and desert-like landscape, and even drove through a geothermal power plant. The Nature Baths are a popular attraction for Icelanders and tourists alike to soak in warm, mineral-rich waters.  We didn't have time to take part -- we did this at a different location on our previous trip -- but we did stop by to see it.  It's funny to see all of these people outside in 40-degree weather wearing only a bathing suit.  Thermal baths are very popular and the locals partake year-round regardless of outside temperature.

and finally.......

Bonus Puffins!!
As we drove from Husavik to Dettifoss, we stopped at an overlook at Öxarfjörður Beach and saw more puffins!  This was a very unexpected treat.  While we weren't as close to the puffins as we were at Bakkagerði, it wasn't raining and we had the place to ourselves.  I stood out on a very narrow sliver of land along the cliffs so I could try and capture the perfect shot.  I took so many, I haven't had time to go through them, but I did get some really good ones.  Mona, of course, took a picture of me in my element.

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