Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Gang's All Here

We concocted this idea of having a Wesley Reunion in Scotland a year ago.  Nine of us made the trek from the States to join Cindy & Aaron's family and we've caravanned around Scotland for a week together.  We've worshiped together, seen fantastic scenery, experienced the best of Scottish culture, eaten well, gotten soaked in the rain, and had plenty of driving adventures.  Most importantly, we've fellowshipped together and strengthened the bonds we forged some 20 plus years ago at the Wesley Foundation at William and Mary.

Our time together has come to an end.  Cindy & Aaron and their boys are home.  Ken and Mary and their girls are going to visit the Shetlands in the North of Scotland.  The rest of us are headed to St. Andrews.  From St. Andrews, David and Teri are going south to England to visit another W&M alum and tour through Yorkshire, while Wendy, Mona, and I stop in Dublin for 3 nights on our way home.

We also celebrated Wendy's (July 10th) and Aaron's (July11th)
It's been a fantastic trip.  We spent our final night together having dinner, telling stories, and reminiscing about our shared life experiences together -- from the past week and from the past decades.  Here's hoping we can do this again some day.

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