Sunday, April 13, 2014


The other stop we made in the Black Forest was in the town of Triberg.  We stopped just outside of Triberg at the Triberg Waterfall, billed as the highest in Germany.  It's more of a cascading waterfall, tumbling down the rocks as it comes down the mountainside.  It gave us a chance to do a little hiking in the Black Forest.  We ended up parking at the top of the waterfall and hiked downhill to the various viewing points.  As it was fairly steep, we just let Mom and Pop keep hiking to the bottom which put them in the middle of town.  Mona and I hiked back up to the car and picked them up in town.

Triberg certainly has a touristy feel.  Although it's not the height of tourist season (thankfully), we did notice a couple of tour buses and there were a lot more people milling about than in Furtwangen.  We toured the Schwarzwald Museum and learned more about the Black Forest region than cuckoo clocks.  I mentioned in the clock museum post that the wood carving is very impressive here.  We found a wood carving shop along the main street and talked with one of the craftsmen while he worked.

The Black Forest region has been a great starting point for our trip.  A lot more rural, with lots of farming, and a very relaxed feel.  We'll finish up with the more urban areas as we progress towards Berlin.

The final leg of the drive back to Baden Baden was on the autobahn.  Our BMW is a very nice driving automobile.  We topped out at 115mph and the car was still handling quite smoothly -- very nice indeed.

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